Collection: Templating

CAD - Cardboard Aided Design!

No, we are not kidding there. The creation of models, templates and patterns in paper or cardboard is as old as metal working and still to this day an important part of the process of creating new or replica sheet metal pieces.

Templating is critical for almost all sheet metal processes - whether you are bead rolling a basic design on an inner fender panel, creating complex artwork with a bead roller or copying a complex quarter panel that has compound curves, shrinking, stretching and forming. 

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Templating Products

There are usually 2 steps to the templating process:

Creating a template - either copying an original piece by overlaying paper and tracing the underlying form or designing something new from a drawing / design.

Transferring the design to the sheet metal.

Template Creation

Templates can be created in a couple of different ways -

Drawn in CAD software (not the cardboard type but on an actual computer).

Laid out with a ruler and marker / pen / pencil.

Copied from an original panel by tracing features and details. 

Template Transferring

There are a number of different ways you can transfer a pattern from a template to your sheet metal, depending on the process you will be using to work the metal and tools available. Some of those methods are - 

Use a projector to project a design onto a piece of sheet metal.

Use a ruler and marker to draw a design onto the sheet metal.

Cut a vinyl pattern on a sticker / decal cutter, apply the vinyl to the sheet metal and then trace before removing the vinyl. 

Trace a paper / cardboard pattern with a center / prick punch

We carry a number of tools and accessories that can make both the creating of templates and the transferring of templates a bit easier for you.